Ai Hw 1

Pen Tool Tutorial:

The Pen Tool in Illustrator can be challenging for me due to its precision requirements, but it's a powerful tool for creating custom shapes and paths. I might use it for creating intricate illustrations or tracing scanned images. Interesting aspects to look for in a tutorial could include tips on creating smooth curves and efficient anchor point placement.

Shape Builder Tool Tutorial:

The Shape Builder Tool is relatively straightforward for me to pick up and is excellent for combining or subtracting shapes. It's useful for creating custom shapes or logos. I look forward to using it in Illustrator.

Gradient Tool Tutorial:

The Gradient Tool can be both easy and fun. It allows me to apply color gradients to objects, creating depth and dimension. I might find it exciting to experiment with various gradient types, such as radial or linear gradients. I look forward to using it in Illustrator. 


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